Over the Rainbow with Dorothy!
Library Reads Selection
Midwest Connections Pick
Target Book Club Selection
Publisher’s Weekly Best Seller
Los Angeles Times Best Seller
Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review
Book Page Starred Review
Community One Read Selection:
Central New York
Pasadena, California
Bay View, Michigan
Quiet Corner, Connecticut
Praise for Finding Dorothy
“In some ways reminiscent of Jerry Stahl’s excellent I, Fatty, Letts’ Finding Dorothy combines exhaustive research with expansive imagination, blending history and speculation into a seamless tapestry. . . . It’s a testament to Letts’ skill that she can capture on the page, without benefit of audio, that same emotion we have all felt sometime over the last 80 years while listening to ‘Over the Rainbow.’”
— New York Times
“Letts expertly illuminates the true story behind the tale beloved by so many readers through history, but best of all is the wonderful depiction of Maud herself. This is a crowd-pleasing, thoroughly satisfying novel.”
— Book Page (Starred Review)
“A breathtaking read that will transport you over the rainbow, into the heart of one of America’s most enduring fairy tales and the hardscrabble life that inspired it. Gripping, fascinating, this is a novel for anyone who ever stared in awe as OZ came to life on screen, and wondered what other secrets lay hidden behind the curtain? A dream of a book you’ll want to savor and share!”
—Publisher’s Weekly (Starred Review)
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Visit the world behind the Wizard of Oz

Along the Yellow Brick Road with Elizabeth